1. Introduction:
The Government of India has initiated the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) with a view to address cyclone risks in the country.The overall objective of the Project is to undertake suitable structural and non-structural measures to mitigate the effects of cyclones in the coastal states and UTs of India.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA) will implement the Project in coordination with participating State Governments and the National Institute for Disaster Management (NIDM).
The Project has identified 13 cyclone prone States and Union Territories (UTs), with varying levels of vulnerability. These States/UT have further been classified into two categories,based on the frequency of occurrence of cyclone,size of population and the existing institutional mechanism for disaster management. These categories are:
Category I: Higher vulnerability States i.e. Andhra Pradesh,Gujarat,Odisha,Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.
Category II:Lower vulnerability States i.e. Maharashtra,Karnataka,Kerala,Goa,Pondicherry,Lakshadweep,Daman and Diu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Project Objectives :
The Project development objective of the NCRMP is to reduce vulnerability of coastal communities to cyclone and other hydro meteorological hazards through
(i) improved early warning dissemination systems
(ii)enhanced capacity of local communities to respond to disasters
(iii)improved access to emergency shelter, evacuation, and protection against wind storms, flooding and storm surge in high areas
(iv)strengthening DRM capacity at central, state and local levels in order to enable mainstreaming of risk mitigation measures into the overall development agenda.
2. The Financing and Project Agreements relating to NCRMP were signed between the Department of Economic Affairs, World Bank and the State Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha on 14.1.2011. The Project completion date of Phase-I is 31st December 2018. NDMA in co-ordination with the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme at the cost of Rs. 2541.60 crore.
The project will be funded by the World Bank as an Adaptable Programme Loan (APL) with an International Development Association (IDA) credit amounting to Rs. 1985.68 crore. The remaining amount of Rs. 555.91 crore will be contributed by Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa (Under Component B only). Other components will be funded 100% by the Central Government.
NCRMP (Additional Financing) has been formulated to fill up the infrastructural gaps observed during cyclone Phailin by creating additional infrastructure . The total Outlay under Additional Financing is Rs 835Cr. which includes Rs 645.79Cr credit from the World Bank and 25% contribution by State Governments totalling Rs 189.21Cr under Component-B on the same lines as in the NCRMP Ph-I. Government of India has approved Additional Financing in July, 2015 for the States of AP and Odisha with closure by December 2018.
NCRMP Phase-II which started during 2015 with costing Rs. 2059.83 crore [GoI share: Rs. 1629.07 Cr and States share: Rs. 430.76 Cr], is being implemented in 6 Coastal States (Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and West Bengal). The Project completion date of Phase-II is September 2022.