1. Mission Statement:
The National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project seeks to minimize vulnerability in the cyclone hazard prone states and Union Territories of India and make people and infrastructure disaster resilient, in harmony with conservation of coastal ecosystems.
2. Key Objectives: The Project aims to fulfill its Mission by undertaking following structural and non structural measures,
a. Early warning and communication system by improving the Last Mile connectivity.
b. Construction and sustainable maintenance of Multi-purpose Cyclone Shelters (MPCSs), Improved access and evacuation to these and already exiting MPCSs and habituations through construction of roads and bridges, construction of coastal embankments in selected places for protection against storms, flooding and storm surge in high risk areas and underground cabling.
c. Enhanced capacity and capability of local communities to respond to disasters, and
Strengthening Disaster Risk Mitigation (DRM) capacity at Central, State and Local levels in order to enable mainstreaming of risk mitigation measures into the overall development agenda.